The Whole Horse Podcast | Episode 121 | Allowing room for Emergence in our relationships with our horses and their habitats with Shannon Beahen

It was such a pleasure to have Shannon Beahen back on the show today for an impassioned discussion about our mutual interest in stewarding and cultivating relationship with land – with special attention as to how that endeavour relates to keeping horses, obviously!  

We wandered together through the topics of land having its own nervous system, what it feels like for us to be on a path of evolution as horse people, and how we can benefit from navigating our relationships with the land, our horses and ourselves through a lens of emergence, rather than one of fixed ideals and blueprints of “success”. 

If you haven’t listened to my previous recordings with Shannon, check out episodes 92 and 81 of the Whole Horse Podcast, or dive right in to today’s episode for a more conversational, but equally important interview!

Shannon is an alternative horse trainer, online educator, academic and writer. She specializes in teaching her own “high vibration” approach to natural dressage and liberty as well as the creation of species-appropriate habitats that promote dynamic movement and sovereign equine lifestyles. She is passionate about exploring and articulating the ethics of embodied horse-human relationships. Her hope is that through teaching a deeper awareness of human-animal and human-environment relations, equestrian education ceases to be a privileged pastime; and instead may just provide some of the seeds to birth a new earth.

Learn more about Shannon and her work at