The Whole Horse Podcast | Episode 17 | Christa Miremadi

In this episode of the Whole Horse Podcast, Christa Miremadi of Horsemanship from the Heart opens up about her heart horse Cisco, her love affair with the Californio Bridle Horse tradition, Tai Chi and Kiger Mustangs, and her lifelong quest for feel and depth in horsemanship. Christa is one of those horsewomen that is beautiful to watch, with a deep reverence and respect for all horses, and I’m happy to have called her a friend for over a decade.

Christa continues her equine education by working with and learning from master horse men and women, including our mutual friend and mentor Stefanie Travers. Christa’s goal is to facilitate horses and humans developing the same kind of relationships, based on trust, respect, compassion and fun that she has developed with so many of her own amazing equine teachers.

Through her deep understanding of equine behaviour and psychology, gained over more than 25 years with horses, Christa develops safe, consistent and reliable boundaries, earning the respect and leadership needed to influence the horses she works with. This helps them to find the quiet, calm and peaceful state of mind that will allow them to grow, learn and gain confidence.

Christa writes a monthly article for Saddle Up magazine – find her contributions at

Learn more about Christa and what she’s up to at