The Whole Horse Podcast | Episode 42 | Creating safety for your horse with Violet van Hees

Season 3 is proving to be awesome so far! In this episode, I sit down with Violet van Hees to talk about safety – how to create it with our horses, how it looks and feels on a physiological level, and how our felt sense of being safe or unsafe impacts our ability (and our horses ability) to learn and adapt. We also got into the topic of consent and horses, a particularly important and pertinent conversation in our current changing world. Such a worthwhile exploration – I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

As a Tellington TTouch® Equine Practitioner and a Feldenkrais® Practitioner living in Deep Bay on Vancouver Island, Violet is fascinated with helping people and animals open up movement freedom, and get stuck stuff – unstuck.  She enjoys combining science with practical experience and the “feel” of doing. Violet loves to share how research is confirming things that help explain why the stuff we do works the magic that it does.  For more info about Violet, visit


Violet’s resources:

PDF of Violet’s presentation – The Importance of FELT Safety

Dr. Stephen Porges – Polyvagal theory, and its implications

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk – Trauma: what research can tell us about how it affects us, and how to address it

Dr. Gabor Mate – How stress can undermine our health and well-being

Episode 122 | Making the hardest choice with Diana Waters

Episode 122 | Making the hardest choice with Diana Waters

In this moving episode I am joined by horse trainer Diana Waters of Responsive Equine. We begin with an overview of some of Diana’s formative equestrian experiences, including her passion for training at the walk and its many benefits to the equine-human partnership, and then head into a vulnerable conversation about her journey rescuing a horse whom she diligently and compassionately attempted to rehabilitate, only to ultimately make the incredibly difficult choice to end his life.

Episode 119 | All about track systems for horses with Amy Dell

Episode 119 | All about track systems for horses with Amy Dell

The Whole Horse Podcast | Episode 119 | All about track systems for horses with Amy Dell I was excited to be joined by Amy Dell of Abbotts View Livery for this episode, who wrote the book Horse Track Systems and runs her own track livery in England. What I...