The Whole Horse Podcast | Episode 51 | Horse time from home with Sarah Schlote of EQUUSOMA
Always such a pleasure to have Sarah Schlote, founder of EQUUSOMA™ back on the podcast! In this follow-up episode (check out Episode 21 and 24 for an intro to her work), we found ourselves speaking to the very real experiences of horse people as we move through a pandemic, especially when we can’t see our horses, and/or ride, and how to be with this change in a healthy way. Sarah unpacked her Horse Time from Home article, and shared so much gold about what can support us through this challenging time, and how we can resource our horse connection even when we can’t be with them. This podcast is full of cutting-edge resources (scroll down to find the list) – Sarah is as thorough as they come!
Sarah Schlote, MA, RP, CCC, SEP is a Registered Psychotherapist, trauma therapist and Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner who has been involved in the field of animal-assisted interventions since 2003. A former St. John Ambulance Therapy Dogs volunteer, her main focus aside from her in-office private practice is partnering with horses to support health and healing. She is the founder of EQUUSOMA™, a training model integrating Somatic Experiencing®, attachment theory and equine-assisted trauma recovery, and has started promoting Therapist-Assisted Horsemanship™, bringing a trauma and attachment lens as well as trauma-informed horsemanship principles to improve the relationship between owners and their horses (and their coaches and instructors)
Learn more about Sarah and her work at www.equusoma.com and www.sarahschlote.com.
Download podcast here or listen on iTunes
Want to join my Wednesday Sessions? These are free, 45 minute energy medicine sessions with an osteopathic lens with yours truly every Wednesday morning at 9:30am Pacific until we’re through the Covid-19 crisis. Because we’re all having to navigate a whole lot at the moment and our bodies, brains, nervous systems and hearts need support. And thankfully, you don’t have to be there live to get all the benefits. .
Sources referenced in the podcast (in order):

Episode 133 | Sacred contracts with horses and how to recognize them with Brittany Ashworth
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