The Whole Horse Podcast | Episode 60 | HorseSpeak with Sharon and Laura Wilsie

What a mind-blowing episode with Sharon and Laura Wilsie of HorseSpeak! Did you know horses have a face, and use blinking, nodding, chin, mouth and nostril movement and more to communicate with other horses, and if you’re paying attention, with you? As you’ll hear in this episode, this had not fully occurred to me. This is the kind of simple, yet major stuff we were discussing, as well as getting into roles in the herd and horse personalities, and how taking on the characteristics of the different roles can change your relationship with your horses in profound ways.

Sharon Wilsie has enjoyed a professional career as a horse trainer/rehabilitation specialist, intercollegiate coach, and riding instructor. Her love for horses has been life-long and she had the desire to fill in the gap of communication between humans and equines. Sharon is the creator of HorseSpeak®, which is a practical system to understanding the nuances of horse body language and has created a way for you to learn their language instead of expecting the horse to understand ours. She has developed and implemented several programs over the last decade, including; volunteer training groups for horse rescues and therapeutic riding centers, Equine Assisted Learning course at Landmark College, as well as hundreds of workshops, seminars, and engagements in a variety of topics about Equine Facilitated Therapies, alternative training and rehabilitation methods for difficult horses and horses with PTSD. She worked with students of all ages, including at-risk youth programs. Sharon’s passion has always been to create a two – way street of mutual healing, awareness, and betterment for both horses and people. She is the author of Horse Speak the Equine Human Translation Guide, Horses in Translation and Horse Training in Translation.

Laura Wilsie is the Co-Founder of Horse Speak and utilizes her many years of business management and customer service experience, Laura keeps the ball rolling behind the scenes. Laura comes from a long line of horse enthusiasts and had experience in many disciplines while growing up. Her love of horses was re-ignited when she started volunteering at a local horse rescue.  There she adopted a PMU filly and met Sharon. Laura works with Sharon in creating new and innovative ways to help folks better understand the world from the horse’s perspective and learn the language of the horse.

Find out more about HorseSpeak and all the links to books, programs and more at
