The Whole Horse Podcast | Episode 94 | Collaborative care + unpacking food rewards with Heather Nelson


It wouldn’t be a new season without a podcast episode with Heather Nelson! Our fun and funny conversation unpacking positive reinforcement training, food rewards (and how to use them safely), how to do horse care, like feet, wounds, teeth and vet visits, collaboratively with your horse to greatly reduce stress for everyone, and why it’s totally ok to not have an agenda when it comes to your horses (or the rest of your life), kicks off season six of the podcast (how has it been this long already?!). This season promises to be packed with great conversations, with new guests and your faves. Thanks for coming along for the ride…

Heather Nelson is known for starting from the beginning without the lines and inspiring horses through connection. She combines her background in positive reinforcement training, ground work, classical dressage, intuitive training and liberty to help horse lovers like you tap into your own innate ability to earn a big YES from your horse so you can coach your horse to develop to their highest potential in self expression and balance. Heather is sought after for her engaging workshops and demonstrations where she teaches people to access leadership and respect through creative play, which is just as out of the box as it sounds. She offers lessons in positive reinforcement and liberty training online.

Find her at or on FB – Heather Nelson