The Whole Horse Podcast | Episode 69 | A Conversation with Nahshon Cook

I spent a whole lot of this amazing conversation with Nahshon Cook with tears in my eyes, and a big goofy smile on my face. After listening to his podcast with Warwick Schiller (go have a listen here), I was over the moon to be able to have this chat about horses, spirituality, teaching, growing, playing and much much more. As he shares in the podcast, Nahshon passes for a horse trainer, but he is truly a conduit and a channel, and brings words and wisdom to the horse-human connection beyond what I have ever heard. So much beauty and grace in this conversation and in this incredible horseman. Enjoy.

Nahshon Cook is a classically trained horse trainer who focuses on horsemanship, classical dressage and understanding the language of the horse. His current training interests lay in rehabilitating inconvenient horses with significant mental, physical and emotional training related trauma. His lives and works on his family’s farm in Parker, Colorado.

Learn more about Nahshon at Nahshon Cook Horsemanship (Facebook)


Book – Horse Brain Human Brain: The Neuroscience of Horsemanship 

Book – Truth in the Teaching of Master Nuno Oliveira by Eleanor Russell